Men's Summer T-Shirts: Poly-Cotton Blends

Are you shopping for men's summer t-shirts? Well, a stop at George Richards Big & Tall could impress. There are many factors to consider: fabrics, designs and color just to name a few. Also, you have to take your own personal style into account. 100% cotton tends to be expensive, while 100% polyester may not offer as many benefits to the buyers. A blend of cotton and polyester, however, offers shoppers the best of both worlds. Poly-cotton, affords its buyers durability, comfort and versatility. 

Poly-cotton blend ratios vary, with the 65-35 cotton-to-polyester ratio being the most popular choice. You can, however, get a 50/50 blend. Most people make their choice based on budgetary constraints or environmental concerns. Poly-cotton blends tend to get a bad rap, especially during the summer. However, it is vital to understand its outstanding functionality which makes it a go-to for most shoppers. Below are the advantages that make poly-cotton fabric blends a precious men's summer T-shirt choice.

Affordable choice

100% cotton fabric is expensive, which is why a blend with polyester makes a budget-friendly option. This allows you to get that cotton feel without having to spend a huge portion of your hard-earned cash.

Great variety of colours

A poly-cotton blend has less sensitive dye migration owing to cotton's texture. Your apparel is able to maintain its original appearance for longer.


Polyester lasts longer than cotton. Poly-cotton blend mixes polyester's strength into the fabric, ensuring that you get a stronger and durable option. What is more, the poly-cotton blend provides a comfortable feel across seasons. You can wear a T-shirt matched with britches from Mr. Big & Tall all year round.

Easier maintenance

100% cotton fabric can be quite troublesome. If you do not maintain it properly, cotton tends to shrink and get wrinkled. Polyester, on the other hand, is not susceptible to wrinkles, shrinking, or stretching. This allows you to clean and maintain your fabric in good shape easily. The poly-cotton blends allow you to enjoy cotton's smooth feel and also eases maintenance.


Cotton is not suited for high-intensity needs. Polyester, on the other hand, is robust and durable, which makes it an excellent choice for high-intensity needs. However, as polyester is not as breathable as cotton, 100% polyester may not be an ideal choice for jersey apparel. Cotton's breathable and soft feel combined with polyester's strong features makes perfect clothing for low to medium impact activities.

Shopping for men's T-shirts requires due diligence to ensure you are getting nothing but the best. Are you in search of chic men's summer T-shirts? Contact George Richards Big & Tall today for all your fashion needs. Do not miss out. Our top-of-the-line Britches ultimate tees is all you need for your exquisite style.

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